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Get about in a sentence

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Sentence count:51Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: get aroundSimilar words: set aboutforget aboutjust aboutaboutgo aboutcome aboutcare aboutknow aboutMeaning: v. move around; move from place to place. 
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1 Nowadays people get about much more than they used to.
2 Since he broke his leg, he can't get about.
3 I don't really want this to get about.
4 He's completely reliant on his wheelchair to get about.
5 She was finding it increasingly difficult to get about.
6 The nature of his business enables him to get about the world a good deal.
7 My gran is finding it harder to get about these days.
8 She's eighty now,( and doesn't get about much any more.
9 Once I was able to get about, a brisk walk helped to lift my spirits on the low days.
10 Word was sure to get about, and the shrine would suffer from it.
11 Sports monkeys generally get about a 120-second window in a newscast to communicate information.
12 Apart from that, if you're able to get about then clearly it's helpful if there's no traffic.
13 Would it now get about that Mrs Markham was a little peculiar or, worse still, that she had some assignation?
14 You can get about on those leg things of yours; we have to stay where you put us.
15 How did the rumour of her death get about?
16 How did the news of his promotion get about?
17 It must not get about that he is ill.
18 Minicabs make it easier for people to get about.
19 How did the rumours get about?
20 Belinda: And get about 25 miles to the gallon.
21 Trains and buses make it easy to get about.
22 How did the story of her elopement get about?
23 He will be able to get about in a week or two.
24 The most common question I get about first kisses is this: When should I do the deed?
25 I've been abroad three times this year. I get about quite a bit.
26 " I'd get about fourteen hundred a year out of that. "
27 Sixth, the pleasure-boat, in sailing, visitors can't get about at will , forbids getting drunk, making a fun[], so as not to threaten the security of oneself and others.
28 I rented a car from a garage so that I could get about.
29 Lack of mobility may mean that older people with disabilities have to incur the cost of private transport in order to get about.
30 Everywhere there is water - to play on, to get about on, to work on.
More similar words: set aboutforget aboutjust aboutaboutgo aboutcome aboutcare aboutknow aboutabound inbring aboutvegetablecomplain aboutinquire abouton the tablerub outbouncetablelaborboundarytableauget atabove alla body ofdatabasesuitableget awaymetalabortionestablishstability
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